Recently I got a brand new X Box game, it's called
Left 4 Dead 2, a great zombie game! It's about four people,
Ellis (a reckless, young, hill billy),
Coach (an older, heavy set black man),
Nick (An arrogant, ex con man) and
Rochelle (a skinny black girl) who are left to reach safety with guns, limited ammo and an entire city full of zombies after their asses.
Nick, Rochelle, Ellis and Coach (Left To Right) |
It has all sorts of zombies, from the 'horde' or common zombies, uncommon ones and special infected. The special infected have quite a few types, here are they are.
Special Infected
Standing Witch |
she's my second favorite, who is a sobbing, thin, young woman with white blonde hair, glowing red eyes and long, blood stained claws, she wears a white tank top and white underwear she'll ignore you as long as you don't shine your flashlight at her or shoot at her, she is rather over powered and will nonstop attack you if you 'startle the
Witch' you'll be rendered helpless until one of your friends kill her, you are left with little health or will die if not rescued quick enough. She's easy to hear from her sobbing and will let out growls if you get to close, if you stay in her range, she'll attack, if you retreat, she'll soon return to a passive state; once she attacks, she'll only stop if she dies, the player dies or if the player gets far enough away, if the player is dead or if the player has escaped, she'll run off, sobbing and once out of eye sight, she'll magicly disappear.
Charger |
A Charger, an about eight foot with one anorexic skinny arm and a huge arm (Joke even needed here? You all are thinking it too >:3 Get a girlfriend dude, your singleness is showing... badly) that it uses to charge into the survivers and repeatidly smash into the ground, once you are caught in that grasp, you can only escape if the Charger is killed. The carger is wearing a denim overalls with one strap missing and sneakers on his right foot, he is one of the only special infected to wear shoes besides the hunter, also his left leg has increased in size to balance and hold the charger upright.
Spitter is a female with a chestnut brown that is kept in pigtails, she has brown eyes, also, if you notice closely on her hands are a bunch of rings, including a wedding ring,
I hate to know who was married to her, he took her hand because till death do they part, but what about after death? XD I'm so funny... 0_0 Sorry let's continue... She is wearing a yellowish bra that holds her rather saggy chest and dark capris with the edges of a pink thong, if you notice carefully. The
Spitters's skin glows slightly green when alive but when she's killed, it returns to a normal pink, upon dying, the corpse let's loose a acid that soon disappears but if a a survivor stands in it, their health will increasingly zoom down. The
Spitter is an effective but rather easy to avoid zombie, when she spits, the longer you stand in it, the more damage you take but rather easy to avoid unless your trapped, upon death, her body leaks out more accid.
Spitter about to spit |
my personal favorite, is a male that looks similar to a common infected if you don't look closely, he is a jogger with duct tape around his his limbs, which is what 'parkourers' do. His face is covered by a blue hoodie and is wearing brown sweat pants; if you look close enough, you can see that his eyes look to have been clawed out with blood leaking from the wounds, his teeth are heavily bloodied from attacks as well as his hands. The
Hunter has increadible strength in his arms and legs, giving him the ability to have incredable agility, when attacking, he'll crouch then leap onto a member, pinning them and ripping their chest open, he is quite powerful but with a short amount of health compared to other special infected (excluding the jockey).
Hunter |
Jockey, a rather creepy, hunchback... Creature.
Reminds me of Golem from The Hobbit or Lord Of The Rings... Just saying o_o. The
Jockey is a a skinny, hunchback zombie with a receeding hair line, his teeth are huge in his mouth and the skin around it is bloody and slightly torn, it has large hands, long arms, large feet and long hands; he's wearing a torn white undershirt with short blue shorts. He's called the
Jockey because he leaps onto the back of the survivors and leads them off a cliff, into acid or some kind of danger, while clawing their face. His 'groin' is behind the survivors head, his hands steering them and his legs hanging in front, he has a very distinct crazy breathing and laughing sound, that's hard to explain.
Jockey |
Next is the
Boomer is a super overweight man with short hair and bubbles underneath his skin, giving him large bubbles on his body, he pukes on his victiams, blinding them and the smell attracts the common hoard. He wears a blue t-shirt that doesn't hide his fat body at all, he also wears brown pants that stretch to the limit holding his immense stomach, upon death, the
Boomer explodes, blinding the survivors around. The survivors can get '
Boomer Bile Bombs' which has been twisted to not effect humans but zombies, whatever zombie it hits, will cause zombies to overwelm it until either it or they die.
Boomer |
Tank is a huge, muscular all over guy and the strongest of all the special infecting (Except the
Witch on Expert difficulty), his most notable feature is his muscle mass, he slims down on his waist and legs which are able to hold his weight, though just barely, this is seen when he throws chunks of concrete at the survivors, he can run faster then a healthy survivor, he uses his hands to run in a gorilla like fashion. His hands are red with fresh blood and he has a wound on his chest from a recent fight, the tank can die of frustration if he doesn't hit a survivor in a certain amount of time and is never slowed, even if on fire.
Tank |
Smoker is an average human size but it's entire left side of it's face is a big chunk of bubbly skin, the mutation continues down his left arm and it's unsure how far it goes because he wears a t-shirt that covers any other mutation though on the back of the
Smoker's right hand is one single bubble. It has a long 'thing'
(I have no idea what it's suppose to be 0_0) that juts out from the back of it's head and jags out to the right. It also has a long tongue that it grabs survivors with and pulls them into his grasp, clawing them and strangling them at the same time; the tongue can break or be cut with a melee weapon, it also has a distinct rasping and coughing sound. You may be wondering why it's called a '
Smoker', everything else has a name that matches... When killed, it explodes into a green disgusting smokes that, though it says gives off a terrible smell, has no real effect besides causing coughing.
Smoker |
Uncommon Infected
Mud Man |
Mud Men are infected that hide in swamps and cover their bodies in mud. They run faster then common infected, run on all fours, shallow water doesn't slow them and they can blind survivors with mud
CEDA Agents |
CEDA Agents are infected in hazemad suits, these were people that tried to control and stop the virus but they were still infected, dispite the outfits. Fire has no effect on them, thanks to their suits and some carry Boomer Bile Jars, that can be used against them.
Construction Worker |
Construction Workers are more resistant to melee weapons thanks to their hard hats and don't react to noises because they still have their ear protection on, they are easy to spot in the darkness because of their reflective vests.
Clown |
Clowns are similar to common infected except their outfit and their shoes, the sound their shoes make will attract common infected, allowing them to lead hordes to survivors.
Riot Control |
Riot Control were called by the CEDA to help with the virus but even they got infected. They are protected by their bullet proof clothing and are hard to kill, with guns or most melee weapons but they cannot stand fire, explosions, chainsaws or hits from behind, more so their neck.
Fallen Survivor |
Fallen Survivor was a well equiped that still got infected later on. They carry healthpacks, ammo, molotove, pain pills or a Pipe Bomb or all it together. They can large amounts of damage but a small hit will send them running and they won't come back.
I'm gonna follow you from now on.
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