Monday, October 14, 2013

Cool Fan Art For Lerft 4 Dead 2 and Left 4 Dead 1

Left 4 Dead 2

Fight At A Carrosel

Rochelle, Coach, Nick and Ellis (Left To Right)
Everyone Likes Weapons~ Ask Ellis
Deal With It~
Nick And Ellis~ <3

Coach, Ellis, Rochelle and Ellis (Left To Right)
YAAAaaay???? O_O Not Sure How I feel About This

Soooo Cute~ <3

Chibi Coach, Ellis, Nick and Rochelle (Left To Right)
Behind the Scenes
Ellis, Rochelle, Coach and Nick (Left to right)
Ellis and Nick
Seems Legit... Oh wait, no it doesn't
Ellis and Nick: Do I know you?
The sad part is... I want to read this
o-o Why can't I be able to make this masterpiece? Ellis for the win~
0=0 I love to ship guys but in L4D, it just feels wrong. This is cute but feels wrong

Left 4 Dead 1

When Trapped By A Smoker
The Sacrifice
In The Cornfield
Hunter and his prey~
Don't touch my food, Bitch~

Infected Bears
Glass, Man... D: Sooo Mean
0-0 I'm a girl and I don't hate that.

Left 4 Dead 1 and Left 4 Dead 2

Special Infected Before Infection. (Left To Right) Hunter, Smoker, Witch, Spitter, Jockey, Boomer, Tank, Charger, Boomette
How The Hunter Turned
Tank, Jockey and Spitter before virus

Ignoring a Hunter
You Startled Dat Witch XD
The Reason A Witch Cries
Join Us
Witch Cosplay
Witch, Tank, Boomer, Hunter Heads
Lend Me A Hand?

Winter Hunter
Hunter and a cat... So different?
Winter Smoker
Frozen Tongues
Guard Your Sugar Carefully
Is it bad that I didn't realize this was about the Witch? D: Poor Hunter
Don't Shit With Smoker
The Ultimate Piggy Back Ride
Hunter Cosplay
Chibi Special Infected
030 No comment
Hunter x Witch FTW
I don't have anything to say about this... I love it but I hate it ;-; It's sad
Hunter x Witch
This is just... So... CUTE... I LOVE IT
Uninfected Tank

Sorry guys, this became rather long 030 I still have a few more to show, these ones are really cool and I personally love them a LOT. Here ya go:

Common Infected

Saved the best for last~ Hunter and Smoker then the ultimate finale.... <3 Stick around people.



Don't Shit With A Screamer

I hope you guys enjoyed these photos... Been up since three am getting them all in this post... *Yawn* It's eight twenty one right now so I am BEAT. 030 As always guys love you but I need to go to bed. o3o I hope you enjoyed the screamer story at the end, I found it last minute and fell in love with it. Most of the comics are by Isis so go check her out on Devain Art now, here is the sexy link Click Here. Hope you guys enjoyed all these sexy photos x.x It was hard to find them all, note that I'm not associated with Left 4 Dead 1 or 2 and all artwork goes soley to their artists. Love you guys good night~ ♥ <3 3>

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